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As a pet owner, you often want to share your food with your furry friend and dogs can eat many human foods including vegetables. Have you ever thought, can dogs eat artichokes? 

If yes, they will find the answer to your every question by giving this article a read as this article will explore whether your dog can eat artichokes or not, its benefits and potential risks, and how you can give artichokes safely to your lovely pet. 

Artichokes are vegetables that humans eat as they are popular due to their incredible nutritional profile. But it seems interesting when it comes to dogs as the dog will get a lot of nutrients if it eats artichokes. Let’s dive directly into the details,

What are Artichokes? 

Artichokes (Cynara scolymus) are vegetables related to the family of thistle plants. They are popular due to their heart-shaped structure and unique taste and are full of nutrients and essential vitamins needed for growth and maintaining good health.  

There are two types of artichokes available in the market i.e. Jerusalem artichokes and Globe artichokes. Globe artichokes are mostly eaten by humans and these are round, globe-like flower buds with compacted petals. 

Jerusalem artichokes have a ginger-like appearance and texture and are also known as sunchokes, these are less common than in Jerusalem so we will be discussing Jerusalem artichokes in detail.

Can Dogs Have Artichokes? 

The answer is simply “Yes”, you can give artichokes to your dog. Artichoke is not the only vegetable that dogs can eat so it is not a strange thing to be eaten. Whether dogs eat artichokes in raw form or cooked form, it is safe for them.

You just need to keep some important points in mind while giving artichokes to your dogs as sometimes if not prepared properly, artichokes can be harmful to your furry friend.

Can Dogs Eat Artichokes

Nutrition Profile of Artichokes

Artichokes are nutrient-rich vegetables and can be a source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers, and antioxidants.

  • Vitamins: Artichokes contain various vitamins which include vitamin K, Vitamin C, and vitamin B complex.
  • Dietary Fibers:   Artichokes contain a good number of dietary fibers so it’s better to give them to dogs for stomach health.
  • Minerals: Artichokes contain several different minerals which include Magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium. These all are the essential nutrients and required daily in a specific portion. 
  • Antioxidants: Quercetin and Chlorogenic acid are two main antioxidants present in rich amounts in artichokes. 

Health Benefits of Artichokes

Digestive Health 

Dietary fibers present in the artichokes can do wonders as they are good for stomach health. It has been observed that eating artichokes can improve gut health, bowel movement as well as digestion. It can work as a medicine if your dog is suffering from indigestion and poor water absorption in the gut in case of diarrhea. 

Immune System Support

Antioxidants present in the artichokes play a significant role in supporting the immune system as antioxidants reduce the oxidative stress on cells by neutralizing the free radicals in the body. Additionally, antioxidants can improve the cognitive functions of the brain and can fight cancerous cells.  Dogs that have any kind of injury or bone disease can also take artichokes as antioxidants to reduce inflammation. 

Skin, Coat & Blood Health

Artichokes play an important role in improving the overall health of dogs including skin, blood, metabolism, and coat health. Vitamins are required as a coenzyme in the body and play their part in regulating different body functions. Folic acid is essential in blood cell synthesis and prevents anemia.  Moreover, minerals in artichokes nourish the coat, hair, and skin. 

Low Fat Treat 

Most dogs love to eat artichokes so it can be a snack for them. Several snacks contain high fat content and some veggies also contain cholesterol, but artichokes are free from any fat or cholesterol. Fats and cholesterol are alarming to dogs as dogs can’t digest a large amount of fats so artichokes can be a good treat in this case.


Can Artichokes Be Risky for Dogs? 

Yes, sometimes if artichokes aren’t given in a recommended amount and form, they can pose a risk to a dog’s health. Following are the main health issues your dog can face due to artichokes,  


One of the major risks due to artichokes is choking as the artichokes have hard outer leaves and even the globe isn’t that soft so if you give large pieces of artichokes or even the smaller pieces in the unprepared form, the dog will face choking. 

What to do then? You can try giving smaller pieces to your dog so that your furry friend does not feel any difficulty in eating. 

Digestive issues

Although fiber is good for gut health, too much fiber can disturb digestion and create difficulty in bowel movement. If your dog eats too many artichokes it can block the intestine and can cause serious problems including abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and weakness. 

Allergic Reactions

Eating artichokes can sometimes cause allergic reactions in dogs. not all dogs are at risk of allergic reactions as only some dogs can get allergic due to eating artichokes. How would you know that artichokes induced allergy? Observe the dog by giving a small portion of artichokes for a time, if you see any irritations on the skin, breathing difficulties, or unusual behavior of the dog, consult your veterinarian quickly.

Canned Artichokes Are Dangerous To Dogs

Can Dogs Have Jerusalem Artichokes?

Yes, your dog can eat Jerusalem artichokes but a few precautionary measures should be taken as your dog may be allergic to these types of artichokes so try giving a small piece of Jerusalem artichokes if you haven’t given it to your dog before. 

Jerusalem artichokes contain prebiotics, which are substances that can be converted into beneficial products by probiotics, thus improving the overall digestive process.

Also Read: Can Dogs Eat Okra? Health Benefits & Risks

How To Give Artichokes Safely to Your Dog? 

Till now, you know that artichokes can be given to dogs as a treat but the question arises, in what form are they suitable? Let’s discuss the ways by which you can incorporate artichokes into your dog’s diet.

Raw Artichokes

Raw or fresh artichokes can be given to the dog. First, remove all the hard parts and leaves, cut the artichokes into small pieces, and don’t add any seasonings. Don’t sprinkle any garlic, spices, or salts as these all are toxic to the dog’s health. 

One important thing that you need to consider is your dog’s digestive system. Sometimes it may be difficult for your dog to digest uncooked artichokes. 

Cooked Artichokes

Cooked artichokes are better than raw artichokes as they can be digested easily so feel free to give cooked artichokes to your dog. You can cook artichokes in many ways but the best method is steaming. Steamed artichokes have several benefits as when you cook artichokes by steaming, the nutrients will be preserved. 

Avoid adding seasonings like oil, salts, and spices to artichokes because it makes artichokes worse. Moreover, do not fry them because frying will add too much oil to them which is not good for dogs. 

Canned Artichokes

Canned artichokes are not recommended by veterinarians because they contain preservatives and sometimes a small number of salts. Preservatives are chemicals that can pose a threat to your dog’s health so better to avoid any canned artichokes instead try adding fresh or cooked artichokes.

How Much Artichokes Can A Dog Eat?

While artichokes can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet, moderation is key. Introduce them gradually and observe your pet for any adverse reactions. As a general guideline, artichokes for dogs should constitute no more than 10% of their overall diet to prevent nutritional imbalances.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can Dogs eat artichoke hearts?

Ans: Yes, dogs can eat artichoke hearts but without seasonings, as they are full of nutrients.

Q2. Can dogs eat Artichoke leaves?

Ans: It’s not recommended to give artichoke leaves to your dog because they are hard and not easy to digest, however, if you cut them into tiny pieces, your dog may love it.

Q3. Can dogs eat artichoke dips?

Ans: No, dogs cannot have artichoke dips as they contain some toxic ingredients like garlic and onions.

Q4. Can dogs eat marinated artichokes?

Ans: No, dogs can not eat marinated artichokes as they are for humans and full of spices and oils which aren’t permissible for dogs.


Artichokes are the perfect option when it comes to snacks and everyday treats for your dog pet. If you are thinking of giving your dog freshly bought artichokes, don’t delay it and give it today to your furry friend. You need to take just small precautions so that your dog may not suffer from bad health.