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Mi-Ki dogs, pronounced as Mee-Kee dogs, are among the most popular breeds due to their affectionate nature. Because of their small size, they can adjust to several environments, no matter whether you live in a large house with a beautiful yard or an apartment, you can have Mi-Ki as your pet.

Are you looking for a small-sized pet or want to know about something unique about the Mi-Ki Dogs, you have come to the right place. 

Imagine reaching home from a 9-5 job and being welcomed by this small cute puppy that sticks to your lap and cuddles with you, that seems so soothing. So, MiKi can make wonderful pets. This blog will share the origin, personality, AKC acceptance, and other facts about these small and cute toy dogs.

History & Origin of Mi-Ki

The word Mi-Ki is derived from the two Japanese words “Mi” meaning affectionate and “ki” meaning Puppy so its name talks much more about it. In the late 20th century, dog breeders wanted to create a unique dog breed of toy size with unique and incredible traits so they cross-breed several dog species including Papillon and Japanese Chin with each other to get their desired breed. 

Mi-Ki was the result of their effort as in the year 1980 in the United States, they were able to produce MiKi that contained all the desired traits. Although it was not popular in those days but has become the center of attention for the past few years. 

Mi-ki History

Breed Overview

Physical Appearance 

Mi-Ki are small toy dogs that can steal your heart with their striking cute appearance as they have smooth shiny coats that can vary in color, you can see them in black-, white-, or cream-colored coats. They have large charming eyes that can make you fall in love with them easily. They have compact bodies with noticeable features for instance their ears are erect which can attract anyone.

Size & Weight

Mi-Ki are popular for their small size so they have a 4-10 pounds weight and can be 6-8 inches tall at the shoulder.  You may see a slight variation in this weight but on the contrary, they cannot be heavier than 10 pounds. 


The price of MiKi dogs varies depending on the reputation of the breeder, location, health conditions, and pedigree but you can expect to pay 1000-3500 US dollars to be the owner of this small Mi-Ki puppy.

Height:7-11 Inches
Weight:4-10 Pounds
Lifespan:10-15 Years
Breed Group:Toy Group

Personality & Temperament of Mi-Ki Dogs

MiKi dogs are renowned for their affection and attention-seeking qualities worldwide so people call them lap dogs. They love to play and engage in activities despite being smaller. They quickly learn things and always try to please their owners by being obedient. 

Mi-Ki dogs love to mingle with other pets and always enjoy being social so families that love to travel and outings can have them easily. They also love being around children and are always in a playful mood, making them suitable for walks. They are so intelligent and loyal that you will face no difficulty training them.

Care & Grooming

One of the major facts about the MiKi dogs is that they don’t shed too much so you don’t need to worry about shedding and entanglement but regular brushing is necessary to keep them looking clean and groomed. 

Mi-Ki dogs need regular short walks so you have to spare some time from your day otherwise they can develop laziness and other diseases. Additionally, their teeth must be brushed regularly with dog-friendly toothpaste and weekly bathing can pop up the hygiene game. 

Training & Exercise Needs

Due to their small size, Mi-Ki dogs don’t bother you about their training and exercise, your small effort can be enough to meet their exercise and training needs. As they aren’t too large dogs, you can choose a part of your home as their exercise spot or playing area. But, to make them familiar with the outside environment and enhance their social skills, you should take them on short walks regularly.

MiKi dogs are naturally obedient and caring dogs so their obedience training is just a formality and you can arrange a fetch to keep them active and busy. On the contrary, you just need 15-20 minutes per day for their training. 

Mi-ki Genetic Health Conditions

Unique Facts About Mi-Ki Dogs 

Mi-Ki Dogs Are New 

MiKi dogs are new breeds which although were bred in the 1980s gained popularity in the last few years so people are fond of having them to experience their nature. On average, they are even less than 50 years old, which is one of the unique facts about them. 

UKC Acceptance

MiKis are not accepted as a separate or standard breed by many canine organizations and AKC (American Kennel Club) is one of them. United Kennel Club (UKC) accepted MiKis as a breed in the year 2009 and since then, breeders have been trying to make these dogs accepted by all canine organizations. 

They Are Hypoallergenic

Mi-Ki dogs are hypoallergenic so people having any kind of allergy can easily have MiKis as their pets because there is no chance of shedding which is the most desirable characteristic of these dogs. 

Excellent Companions

Mi-Ki dogs are excellent companions and make good pets because they cannot live alone, they need some social interaction with other pets and people. So, they get friendly with anyone easily and thrive in human interaction. 

Mi-ki Temperament

Why AKC Doesn’t Accept Mi-Ki Dogs?

AKC accepts only those breeds which are well established and have been stable for years without any health issues but Mi-Kis are new dogs and can be prone to different diseases as well so they do not meet the criteria of acceptance. That is the reason why AKC does not accept these dogs as standard breeds. 

Another reason for MiKi’s unacceptance by AKC is their registered numbers. If a dog breed is popular they have several registered dogs, AKC considers that breed a standard breed but Mi-Kis are still under the recognition process.

Also Read: The Poo-Ton | History & Facts With Pictures

Health Considerations

Luxating Patella

This issue is a severe health issue in MiKi dogs in which there is a dislocation of the kneecap which leads to severe pain and often complete immobility.  

Dental Issues

Mi-Ki dogs are prone to periodontal diseases so taking care of their teeth is necessary otherwise they can have problems eating and painful dental procedures.

Eye Problems

Small breeds like MiKis can be prone to several eye infections and abnormalities like cataracts which is the most common eye problem seen in them. How can you protect them? The answer is simple, regular vet checkups are essential to keep their eyes healthy. 

Brachycephalic Syndrome

Brachycephalic Syndrome is a serious condition in which there is an obstruction to the airways which can cause difficulties in breathing and permanent inability to breathe due to the collaboration of nostrils or trachea. This issue is common in dogs that are not too heightened like Mi-Kis or with flat mouths like Bulldogs. 


Although it’s not a very common disorder in MiKi dogs but can be severe. Hemophilia is a genetic disorder in which a dog’s blood loses its ability to clot leading to the excessive loss of blood. If the Mi-Ki develops this health issue, the ultimate result is its death. 

Final Words

Mi-Ki dogs are cute, intelligent, and loving dogs. They always try their best to please their owners. Although they are prone to some diseases, if you deal with them with care and give them enough attention, they prove themselves to be excellent pets. So, if you are thinking of owning a MiKi puppy, you should go for it because you are never going to regret your decision.