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When it comes to choosing a furry companion, potential pet owners often ponder, Are Cavalier King Charles Spaniel hypoallergenic? This question is particularly crucial for individuals with allergies. With its expressive eyes and regal demeanour, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel captures hearts effortlessly. 

However, the concern for allergies is not brushed off. Knowing if this pet, so dearly held, can fit into homes with allergy sufferers is of much importance. This article is an attempt to bring to light the hypoallergenic qualities of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and constitute a well-rounded guide for those who consider the breed. So, let’s drill down and find out if this sweet canine is compatible with people who are allergic.

Are Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Hypoallergenic?

No, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are not considered hypoallergenic. They do shed, which can spread allergies and dander throughout the vicinity. Individuals with allergies to dogs might still react to Cavaliers, although some people with mild allergies report fewer symptoms with this breed.

What Is Meant by Hypoallergenic?

Before we delve into the heart of our query, Are Cavalier King Charles Spaniel hypoallergenic? Let’s clarify what hypoallergenic actually means. In the context of pets, ‘hypoallergenic’ suggests a lower likelihood of causing allergic reactions. 

However, no dog breed is 100% hypoallergenic. Some breeds produce fewer allergens through dander, saliva, or urine, making them more suitable for allergy sufferers. Understanding this concept is crucial in setting realistic expectations for allergic individuals seeking canine companionship.

Also Explore: How Soon Do I Spay Or Neuter My Cavalier King Charles Spaniel?

Are Cavalier King Charles Spaniel hypoallergenic?

Addressing the primary concern, Are Cavalier King Charles Spaniel hypoallergenic? The straightforward answer is no. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are not considered hypoallergenic. They produce normal levels of saliva and dander, which are typical allergies. 

However, this doesn’t mean they cannot be a part of homes with mild allergies. With proper management and care, living with a Cavalier can be a joyous and comfortable experience, even for those prone to allergies.

Are Cavalier King Charles Spaniel hypoallergenic 2

Do King Charles Spaniels Shed?

A related concern is whether King Charles Spaniels sheds. And the answer is yes. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel sheds their coat, especially during seasonal changes. The cavalier king Charles Spaniel shedding level varies among individual dogs but generally falls into the moderate category. Regular grooming and maintenance can significantly reduce shedding and, consequently, the presence of allergens in the home.

Do King Charles Spaniels Shed

Which other dog breeds are at risk for allergies?

All dog breeds, including Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, have the potential to cause allergies in sensitive individuals because the main allergens are found in a dog’s dander (dead skin flakes), saliva, and urine rather than in their fur. But some breeds—especially those that shed a lot or create a lot more dander—are more likely than others to trigger allergic responses. Here’s a detailed look at the types of dog breeds that are commonly associated with causing more severe allergic reactions, questioning “Are Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Hypoallergenic?” in this context.

1. High-Shedding Breeds

Since allergens attach to shed fur, dogs who shed a lot are likely to spread more allergens around the house. Breeds that fall within this category include:

German Shepherds: Recognized by their thick double coat, which constantly sheds, but more profusely at the changing of the seasons.

Labrador Retrievers: Despite having short coats, Labradors produce a lot of hair and dander when they shed.

Siberian Huskies: Twice a year, their thick double coat sheds profusely, leaving behind a lot of fur and allergens in their surroundings.

2. Breeds with Dense Undercoats

Dogs with dense, thick undercoats are likely to collect more allergens, which they then discharge into the environment while shedding. For example, consider the following:

Alaskan Malamutes: They have thick undercoats that shed regularly, just like Siberian Huskies, which contributes to the transmission of allergies.

Golden Retrievers: Their water-resistant double coat must be brushed often to control shedding and dandruff. It sheds every year.

Alaskan Malamutes

3. Breeds that Drool Heavily

Allergies can also be found in saliva, and dogs that drool a lot can transfer these allergies to surfaces where their saliva drops. Among these breeds are:

Saint Bernards: It is known for having jowly features and a tendency to drool, which can leave allergies caused by saliva on carpets, furniture, and clothing.

Bulldogs: Due to the shape of their faces, they drool more frequently and transfer allergies through their saliva.

4. Long-Haired Breeds

Although breeds with longer hair may not naturally create more allergies, their longer fur may collect and spread more allergens throughout the house. Breeds in this group include:

Persian Cats (for a cross-reference to pets in general): It’s not a dog, but it serves as a reminder of how dogs with long hair may help allergies spread.

Cocker Spaniels: Regular maintenance is necessary to prevent dander from spreading through their long, luxurious coats.

Are There Dogs Free From Allergies?

While no dog breed is completely allergy-free, some are touted as being hypoallergenic. In addressing myths and clarifying the truth about hypoallergenic dog breeds, this section will explain that although certain breeds may create fewer allergens than others, no breed is completely allergy-free.

How do you help reduce pet allergies at home?

A variety of techniques is used to reduce exposure to allergens, such as pet dander, saliva, and urine, in order to reduce pet allergies at home. Here’s a comprehensive advice on improving allergy sufferers’ comfort in your home:

Reduce Allergen Exposure: 

Designate an allergy-free zone, preferably the allergic individual’s bedroom, and use HEPA filters in air purifiers and HVAC systems to minimize airborne allergens.

Reduce Allergen Exposure

Enhance Home Cleanliness: 

Implement a rigorous cleaning routine that includes using a vacuum with a HEPA filter, dusting with a damp cloth, washing bedding in hot water weekly, and maintaining indoor humidity levels between 30% and 50% to discourage dust mites and mold growth.

Maintain Pet Hygiene: 

Bathe pets weekly with pet-safe shampoo and brush them outside to remove loose fur and dander, significantly reducing the allergens they carry.

Allergy Management and Home Adjustments: 

Consider removing carpets or choosing low-pile options, using washable rugs, opting for easy-to-clean furniture, and minimizing upholstered furniture and curtains. For personal allergy management, consult an allergist for immunotherapy or use over-the-counter remedies to alleviate symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. Can people with allergies live comfortably with a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel?

Ans: Yes, many people with mild to moderate allergies successfully live with Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. It often requires a dedicated routine of grooming, house cleaning, and possibly the use of air purifiers to reduce allergen levels in the home.

Q2. What makes a dog hypoallergenic?

Ans: A hypoallergenic dog breed is less likely to trigger allergy responses in people. Compared to other breeds, these breeds usually shed less hair and fur, which lowers the quantity of allergens in the surrounding air.

Q3. Are there any specific grooming tips for reducing allergens from my Cavalier?

Ans: The quantity of hair and dander your Cavalier sheds may be greatly decreased with routine brushing, washing, and expert grooming. It’s also beneficial to clean your dog’s bedding, toys, and the areas where they spend the most time.


Regarding the question, “Are Cavalier King Charles Spaniel hypoallergenic?” the straightforward answer is no. These charming dogs, known for their affectionate nature and expressive eyes, shed and produce dander, which are common triggers for people with allergies.

However, this does not mean they are off-limits to allergy sufferers. With the right precautions, such as regular grooming, maintaining a clean home environment, and possibly using air purifiers, people with allergies can enjoy the company of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

In the final summary, not being truly hypoallergenic, Cavaliers could contribute to the lives of many families, as the companionship and love a pet brings to a home overrides the inconvenience of administering extra care due to allergies.