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Are you looking for a comprehensive guide to know if dogs are allowed to eat guava or not? Yes, dogs can have guava and this blog will explore how you can give guava to your dog, its nutritional profile, and its health benefits.

As a responsible pet owner, you often have tried giving fruits and veggies to your dog and your dog might have liked those fruits and veggies but have you ever searched for the toxicity of specific fruits and veggies in dogs? No matter what your answer is, it’s important to know that each fruit has its benefits and toxic effects on dogs.

Guava is one of the most eaten fruits by humans and part of various recipes and desserts as it is packed with many essential ingredients. Dogs are omnivores but cannot eat all the things that we eat. If they are allowed to eat human food, the quantity is small as they have limited digestive ability for certain ingredients. let’s dive into the detail

Can Dogs Eat Guava

Can Dogs Have Guava? 

The answer is simply “Yes”, as we have discussed earlier, dogs can eat guava (Psidium guajava) because it is full of essential nutrients that can enhance the overall well-being of your furry friend. But keep one thing in mind for sure “Excess of everything is bad” so you can give guava to your pet but in limited amounts. 

It also depends on your dog’s metabolism and type so we recommend starting small. If you see that your dog doesn’t show any disturbance all day after having guava, you can increase the portion accordingly.

Also Read: Can Dogs Eat Whipped Cream?

Nutritional Profile of Guava

Guava contains several essential nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. Following is the generalized nutritional profile of guava 

  • Vitamins: Guava is rich in vitamins as 250 grams of guava can contain up to 377 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin A is also present in guava in rich amounts and vitamin B-12 or folate which is essential for the proliferation of blood cells is also a prominent part of the guava. Last but not the least vitamin K is present too in small amounts. 
  • Proteins: Proteins are present in guava but in minimal amounts, as 100 grams of guava contains at least 2.5 g proteins and fats are even lesser than proteins so guava is a fat-free treat for your dog. 
  • Minerals: one hundred grams of guava contains 417 mg, 18 mg, 0.7 mg, and 30 mg of potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium respectively. 
  • Natural Sugars: carbohydrates such as glucose, galactose, and fructose are the main ingredients of guava that add to its sweetness but they don’t increase blood sugar levels because they are in small portions. 
  • Dietary fibers: Dietary fibers are an ingredient of every fruit as their peels are solely made up of fibers. Guava is also rich in dietary fiber and 100 grams of guava can have 5 grams of fiber. 
  • Antioxidants: Antioxidants are necessary for all dogs as they play their role in enhancing immune system activities. Guava contains carotenoids and lycopene which play their role as antioxidants.

Health Benefits of Guava 

  • Digestive Health

Dietary fibers in guava help to improve digestion by regulating bowel movements. It has also been observed that dogs that eat guava merely develop issues related to digestion and guava acts as medicine for constipation. 

  • Immune System Booster

Antioxidants in guava reduce the oxidative stress on cells and improve the immune system. They also reduce inflammation and vitamin C enhances the dog’s skin, immune system, and overall health. 

  • Reduce the Chances of Cancer

Lycopene is present in excellent quantities in guava and it is a wonderful antioxidant that reduces the chances of cancer by destroying cancerous cells and improves heart health. Other phytochemicals which play their role as anti-cancer agents include quercetin and kaempferol. 

  • Blood Cells Proliferation

 Guava contains a rich amount of iron and folate. These two ingredients are essential for the proliferation of Red Blood Cells RBCs and iron is the central part of hemoglobin without it, hemoglobin is responsible for oxygen attachment with it. 

  • Heart & Bone Health

Giving guava to your dog can improve heart health as potassium regulates blood pressure and various phytochemicals also improve heart health, preventing dogs from various diseases. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium are necessary for bone development and make bones stronger.

  • Skin & Eyes Health

Vitamin A is an important vitamin that is responsible for vision and healthy eye muscles. guava is rich in this and other vitamins. All vitamins present in the guava play their role in improving skin, coat, and overall dog health.

Is Guava Good for Dogs

Risks Associated with Guava

No doubt, guava has unlimited health benefits and can make your dog happy as it is an easy snack. But uncontrolled treats of guava cannot be safe for dogs so the following are some risks associated with giving guava to your dog. 

  • Digestive Issues

Guava contains dietary fibers that are good for gut health but in small quantities but, if your dog consumes more than enough guava, these dietary fibers and seeds can block the food canal leading to choking hazards and causing constipation, abdominal pain, or sometimes diarrhea. Moreover, dogs cannot eat large quantities of sugars that are present in guava.

  • Allergic Reactions

Some dogs are naturally allergic to various fruits including guava. If your dog has eaten guava before, you need to be very careful giving guavas to your furry friend. give only a small bite of guava and observe your dog’s reaction if it feels difficulty breathing or any allergic signs appear on the skin, stop giving guava to it. 

  • Dental Problems

Dogs cannot utilize too much sugary food not only due to the limited enzymes but also because they can develop dental issues due to sugars. Guava contains glucose, fructose and galactose which can cause caries in the tooth so keep an eye on your dog while giving guava to it.

Do All Types of Guavas Are Suitable for Dogs? 

Yes, dogs can eat all types of guavas including pineapple guava, red guava, Thai guava, and apple guava.  Although dogs can eat all these guavas you need to consider the way you give them to your dog and the quantity which is safe for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat All Types of Guava

How Can I Safely Give Guava to My Dog?

To protect your dog from the potential risks of guava, you have to optimize the way you introduce it to your dog. follow our following recommendations to keep your dog healthy while it enjoys treats. 

  • Choose a perfectly ripped guava to make it easy to digest.
  • Remove the peel of guava if you give it daily to your dog to reduce its fiber content. It will save your dog from digestive issues.
  • Always remove seeds of guava as they can block the food way and cause choking. 
  • Keep the quantity small and give guavas as an occasional treat to your dog.
  • If your dog has not eaten guavas before, do not give guava without the recommendation of your veterinarian.
  • If you observe any disturbance in your dog, consult your veterinarian.

How Much Guava Can a Dog Eat?

When it comes to feeding guava to your dog, moderation is key. Guava dogs should consume only small quantities as a treat rather than a regular part of their diet. A few small pieces, given occasionally, should be sufficient. For small dogs, a couple of bites are enough, while larger dogs can have a few more pieces. Always consider your dog’s overall diet and calorie intake to avoid overfeeding.

It’s important to balance treats like guava with other aspects of your dog’s diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients without excess calories or sugar.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is guava toxic to dogs?

Ans: No, it’s not toxic to dogs but sometimes can cause health issues.

Q2. Is there any alternative to guava?

Ans: Yes, you can try giving carrots, parsnips, cucumber, blueberries, and watermelons to your dog as these all are safe for dogs.

Q3. Are guava seeds bad for dogs?

Ans: Yes, if a dog eats more than enough seeds, they can cause choking and constipation.


Guava is full of health benefits and is a fruit liked by not only humans but also by dogs. If you want to share your guava with your lovely pet, follow the above guide to learn ways of giving guava to dogs. Keep in mind that there is nothing more than your dog’s health so don’t compromise your dog’s health over this sort of treat.