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Being a pet owner is a fun and lovely feeling but a serious responsibility because it can sometimes be tricky to understand your pet’s needs regarding food. The food should be according to your pet’s taste, but you also take great care of your pet’s nutritional needs. Are you looking for new options to add to your dog’s diet to make it fond of eating healthy food?

 We have your back, then, and as you searched for Can dogs eat parsnips? You want to add parsnip to your dog’s diet. In this blog, we will explore the nutritional content, benefits, and side effects of feeding parsnips to dogs. Moreover, we will focus on the way and quantity of parsnip, either raw or cooked, you can give to your dog.

What Is Parsnip?

Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) is a root vegetable similar to carrots and is loved by humans due to its crunchy and starchy taste. It resembles a carrot in appearance but differs in color, being yellow. It is used in many dishes, such as soup, salads in raw form, and stews. It is full of nutrition and should be added to your dog’s diet, but before that, you must go through this article.

Can Dogs Eat Parsnips?

The answer to “Can dogs eat parsnips?” is yes, as it is permissible to feed your dog parsnips but in a controlled portion, and parsnips are good for humans and dogs due to their nutritional content. Did you know? Parsnip is a rich source of vitamins, dietary fibers, minerals, and other nutrients like potassium.  Moreover, it also contains phytonutrients that act as antioxidants and detoxify the body. Following is a detailed breakdown of the nutritional content of 100 grams of parsnip, which contains,

  • 75-kilo calories
  • 18 g carbohydrates
  • 4.8 g sugars
  • 1.2 g protein 
  • 0.3 g fat content


  • 34 mg phosphorus
  • 36 mg calcium
  • 0.9 mg iron
  • 29 mg magnesium
  •  375 mg potassium


  • 17.6 mg vitamin C
  • 93 microgram folate
  • 22.5 micro g vitamin K
  • 0.3 mg vitamin B6 
Can Dogs Eat Parsnips

Can dogs eat raw parsnips?

Dogs can eat raw parsnips, but we usually don’t recommend it. Parsnips contain a lot of fiber, and although this has benefits, more than the required fiber can also cause serious digestion issues. So, to avoid any health disturbance, try not to give parsnips in raw form to your lovely dogs.

Can dogs eat raw parsnips

How To Incorporate Parsnips into Your Dog’s Diet Safely?

If you have decided to give your pet parsnips as an everyday snack, you can incorporate them into the feed using these methods. 

Steamed Parsnips

This is the easiest and most reliable option for including parsnips in your dog’s diet, as all the essential nutrients will remain. You have to steam the parsnip for a few minutes, remove the skin, cut it into pieces, and add it to your pet’s bowl.

Mix Parsnips with Other Vegetables

To make a snack more tempting, you can add carrots and other veggies permissible for dogs, increasing the flavor and taste of the feed. This can enhance the nutritious value of your diet and make it a properly balanced veggie treat. 

Mashed Parsnips

Another way to make a parsnip delight is to mash them after boiling. For this,

  • Remove the peel of parsnips,
  •  Cut them into several pieces
  •  Add them into the water until boiling,
  •  Place the boiled parsnips into a bowl and mash them with the help of a spatula
  • Offer these mashed parsnips to your pet 
  • You can also mix them with regular meals.

Also Read: Can Dogs Eat Paneer?

What Are the Health Benefits of Parsnips?

Parsnip is the best choice if your dog suffers from malnutrition as it is a full package containing proteins, vitamins, and essential nutrients, and it has countless benefits for the dog’s health. Let’s discuss these benefits in detail, 

Digestive Health

Parsnip is a rich fiber source, the main ingredient in maintaining gut health. Thus, it is beneficial for smooth digestion and bowel movements. Additionally, it can be given to dogs as a medicine as it prevents constipation by adding bulk to the feces.

Good For Nervous System 

Potassium is the main mineral involved in nerve impulse movement, and it is present in sufficient quantity in parsnips, so giving parsnips to your dog can keep it activated and sharp and maintain its brain health. 

Immunity Booster

Vitamin C is known as an immunity booster, even though humans often use it to enhance the activity of an immune system. Parsnips contain vitamin C, which boosts the immune system of dogs and prepares them to combat deadly diseases.

Dose of Antioxidants 

Parsnips contain phytonutrients and polyphenols that act as antioxidants. These compounds prevent inflammation and reduce the oxidative stress on dog cells. 

Bone Health

Parsnips have 0.36 mg of calcium per gram, 4% of the daily requirement. So, if you want to add calcium to your dog’s diet, start sprinkling some parsnips on its feed to improve bone health and the healing power of wounds. 

A Low-Calorie Treat

Parsnip is a low-calorie treat for your dog. It contains a minimum number of calories, so instead of giving your dogs artificial snacks with high energy content, give them parsnips to add flavors and reduce calories per treat.

What Are the Health Benefits of Parsnips

What Are the Risks of Feeding My Dog Parsnips?

Digestive upset

Introduce parsnips gradually and in small amounts to avoid potential digestive upset. The high fiber content can sometimes lead to diarrhea and gas, particularly in dogs with sensitive stomachs.

Blood sugar management

While parsnips are low in carbohydrates, they can still cause blood sugar spikes. If your dog has diabetes, consult your vet before including parsnips in their diet to ensure it won’t adversely affect their condition.

Choking Hazard 

Be mindful of the size of the parsnip pieces to prevent choking hazards. Cutting them into small pieces or mashing them can mitigate this risk.

Cooking considerations

When cooking parsnips for your dog, opt for boiled or steamed preparations to avoid potential issues associated with added ingredients. Roasted parsnips may contain ingredients like oil, fat, salt, garlic, or onions, which should be avoided in your dog’s diet.

Can dogs eat parsnip peelings?

It’s not recommended to feed parsnips with skin to your dog, so remove the skin first and then give parsnips to your dog. Skin is not easy to digest, can cause choking problems, and contains pesticides given to the crops.

As a root vegetable, bacteria from the soil enter the skin and reside there for a long time. These bacteria can be harmful to health and cause non-curable diseases. So, to maintain your pet’s health, avoid parsnips with skin.

Can dogs eat parsnip peelings

Can dogs eat honey-roasted parsnips?

Honey-roasted parsnips are not particularly good for dogs. Added sugars and honey can give a dog plenty of unnecessary calories and might become the reason for dental problems and even obesity. 

In addition, seasonings used during this roasting process may contain toxic ingredients, such as garlic or onion powder, which may harm dogs. To prevent such risks, it is advisable to give your dog plain cooked parsnips.

Can Dogs Eat Parsnips in Cooked Form?

Yes, dogs can eat parsnips in cooked form. It’s the best option for your dog. Half-boiled parsnips are easy to digest, as they become soft and half-cooked, so dogs don’t have any digestion difficulty. What do you need to consider here? You can not give your leftover parsnips to your dogs as they contain spices. Make sure to add no seasoning while boiling parsnips for your pets because it can harm dogs.

Can Puppies Eat Parsnips?

Yes, puppies can also eat parsnips, but a few considerations are important. First, you need to consider whether their teeth can chew parsnips. If they haven’t developed enough teeth, try not to give them parsnips in raw form; instead, boil them and cut them into tiny pieces to prevent tooth damage. Moreover, puppies can not eat spices or salts, so don’t add seasoning to the parsnip; otherwise, puppies will face stomach issues.

Can Puppies Eat Parsnips

How Much Parsnip Is Safe for Dogs? 

Parsnips are an everyday snack for dogs, and their portion must not exceed 10% of the daily food requirement. Therefore, giving them in a controlled manner is necessary for keeping your dog happy and healthy. The amount you give also depends upon your dog’s size and weight.

Start small, giving your pet 3-4 bites of parsnips, and observe its behavior. If you observe any disturbance in its behavior, minimize the quantity of parsnips. If there is no issue and your dog is happy eating parsnips, you can increase the quantity of bites.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How often can I give my dog parsnips?

Ans: Parsnips can be given as a treat, but they should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s daily diet.

Q2. Are parsnips good for dogs with diabetes?

Ans: Yes, parsnips are low in sugar and high in fiber, making them a good snack option for dogs with diabetes, but always consult with your vet.

Q3. Can dogs have allergic reactions to parsnips?

Ans: While rare, dogs can develop allergies to any food. If you notice signs of an allergic reaction, such as itching or gastrointestinal upset, stop feeding them parsnips and consult your vet.

Q4. Do parsnips help with a dog’s coat and skin health?

Ans: Yes, the vitamins and minerals in parsnips can contribute to a healthy coat and skin.

Q5. Can I replace regular dog treats with parsnips?

Ans: Parsnips can replace higher-calorie dog treats as a healthier alternative, but they should still be given in moderation.


Parsnips can be the best option for a well-balanced diet as they are full of proteins, vitamins, and essential nutrients. Depending on the vet’s recommendations and your pet’s choice, you can give your pet parsnips in raw, cooked, steamed, or mashed form. If you haven’t decided yet, don’t waste your time—purchase some parsnips to find the economical solution for your pet’s cravings.