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Labrador retrievers have been popular with pet parents because of their unique temperament and trainability. However, people are left overawed by such large dogs. Here, the crossbreed between a Labrador Retriever and a miniature Poodle, the Mini Labradoodle with their soft and furry coats like a poodle and trainability like a Labrador retriever attracted people who were fond of Labrador but tempted to get a miniature dog.

This Mini Labrador poodle mix is a great pet choice for new and experienced pet owners with its calm nature and ease of training to let them adjust to the new surroundings. This mini dog breed can be stubborn sometimes but a little treat can get them back on the training track and be a good pet. Furthermore, the hypoallergenic coat of the Mini Labradoodle lets everyone enjoy their amicable company. Let’s explore the personality of this crossbreed which is the reason for its popularity.

Breed Overview of Mini Labradoodle

The phenotypic characteristics of Mini Labradoodles depend on their genetic makeup which is influenced by either of their parents. Generally, their appearance is a miniature version of the Labrador Retriever with the curly fur from the Poodle Parent. A full-grown Mini Labradoodle acquires a height of 14 to 17 inches categorizing them into a miniature dog. 

The fur is either bi-colored or solid in shades of caramel, cream, silver, grey, chocolate, Black, white, apricot, red, and yellow. A healthy Mini Labradoodle weighs around 35 to 45 pounds and has a longer lifespan of up to 14 years. This intelligent and lovely dog breed is so attached to their human family that it needs an active family or work-at-home partner which can efficiently foster its attention demands. 

Mini Labradoodles are child-friendly dogs that love to play around and go on long runs. They are so devoted to their human companion that sometimes they become overprotective of their buddy. These easy-to-train Mini Lab Poodles mix with remarkable smartness and loyalty from their Labrador parent and an allergy-free shedding coat from their Poodle parent are now a popular pet adoption option all over the world.

Breed Overview of Mini Labradoodle

History of the Mini Labradoodle

The Miniature Labradoodle is a quite new crossbreed of the dog that came into the limelight in the late 1980s specifically in 1988. This breed evolved as a successful cross-breeding practice by Wally Cochran who was a member of “The Royal Guide Dogs”. One of their clients requested a dog breed with a smart and lovable temperament for her husband who needed a guide dog but was allergic to their coat. 

Wally Cochran crossbred the Labrador Retriever with a candidate having a non-shedding coat, Poodle. The resultant breed Mini Labradoodle shed no fur and hit popularity in Australia and eventually made its way to homes all around the globe with its remarkable phenotypic features and temperament.

Also Read: Toy Goldendoodle – Your Complete Guide

Mini Labradoodle Facts

  • Mini Lab Poodle started as a crossbreed between a Poodle and a Labrador Retriever in 1988 to get the hypoallergenic dog breed.
  • Their coat colour is dependent on the genes that they inherited from their parents and have a great variety including black, white, yellow, and caramel hues.
  • This breed has a variety of names like Mini Labrapoo, Mini Labradordoodle, and Mini Labradorpoo.
  • The Mini Labradoodles are expected to be small dogs but their size is also an inherited trait so can vary accordingly.
  • Their trainability and lovely and devoted temperament make them an excellent choice for small and hypoallergenic guide dogs.
  • A Labradoodle Mini can cost you a whopping amount of around 2500 dollars.

Things to know When Owning a Mini Labradoodle

Appearance of Mini Lab Poodle

Here are the characteristic features of the Mini Labradoodle that contribute to its overall appearance.

  • Size and Weight

The idea behind this breed was to get a smaller version of a Labrador Retriever due to the popularity of its trait but in the overwhelming size. Therefore, the Labradoodle Mini full-grown is meant to be smaller in size. Where the smaller dogs in this breed are just 12 inches in height, you can find the larger individuals too that grow up to 24 inches.

This trait is also dependent on the inherited genes from the parent. Hence, we cannot say how big Mini Labradoodles get until they reach their adult age. Moreover, the weight of the Mini Labradoodle is dependent on their size. The smaller individuals weigh around 25 pounds or even less while a fully-grown and tall adult Mini Labradoodle can weigh up to 45 pounds.

  • Coat 

The coat of the Mini Labradoodle is supposed to be hypoallergenic and shedding-free. However, it again depends on the genes they have acquired. Mostly they have a soft fleece or wool textured coat from their Poodle parent where the fleece coat is further either wavy or curly. Contrarily, some toy Labradoodles have also got a straight-hair coat from the Labrador Parent instead of the Poodle one. 

Moreover, this dog breed can have both single-colored and multi-colored coats where the color of the coat is also influenced by the parent’s genes. If your puppy Mini Labradoodle has acquired this trait from the Lab parent, the possible coat colors could be brown, yellow or black. On the other hand, they may have got silver, black, beige, or apricot-colored coats from their Poodle parents.

Things to know When Owning a Mini Labradoodle

Temperament and Personality of Mini Labradoodle

The Mini Labradoodles are family-driven pets. Their trainability is attributed to their will to make their human companions happy by following their commands. Hence, these family-friendly dogs are easy to train and adjust them easily with the children and pets. If you already have a few pets at your home, the Mini Labradoodle puppy can happily get along with them. Sometimes, this cute little creature goes through certain phases of stubbornness which can be irritating especially when you are trying to train them. However, this stubbornness can be controlled by treating them with a few rewards. This thing helps a lot in this regard and makes your training go smoothly. 

One major issue you can face in the case when they are not brought to social interactions at a younger age is their overprotective nature. It can result in biting or growling at the outsider while they are just trying to protect their family.  Furthermore, these energetic buddies may not be a good choice for families who have to leave them alone at home while going to work. Being alone at home can lead your Mini Lab Poodle to anxiety and depression. 

Mini Labradoodle Dietary Requirements

It is usually suggested to feed 1.5 to 2.5 cups of high-quality kibble to your Mini Labradoodle puppies. However, this amount should be broken down into two meals so your dog gets the appropriate nutrients around the day and is not distracted towards the fat-filled treats or filler foods. Ensure that you are giving your dog a balanced diet to grow into a healthy adult Mini Lab doodle. 

Moreover, the kibble is available in the market in various kinds but you need to get the right kibble for your dog depending on its age. Puppy-based kibble is for dogs up to 1 year old while older dogs should be switched to the senior food. Nevertheless, if you are uncertain about which dog food you need to get for your Mini Labradoodle, consult your veterinarian to ensure that their food is fulfilling their dietary requirements.

Grooming of Mini Labradoodles

Like all their pets, the grooming of the Micro Labradoodle full-grown dog is an important part of their lives. Some of these dogs have a thick wool coat which requires daily brushing to avoid the entanglement of their hair and maintain their appearance. While silky fur acquired from the Poodle parent can be dealt with the less frequent brushing. Only use a good quality dog shampoo for pathing when necessary. 

However, if possible, try to brush their fur every day. In addition, clean the ears of the Mini Labradoodle each week to save them from ear infections while trimming their nails at least once a month. Brushing teeth thrice a week is enough to maintain their dental hygiene and save them from gut-related issues. 

Miniature Labradoodle Training

The grown Mini Labradoodles are hyperactive dogs who need ample physical exercises and mental stimulation to grow healthy. They need at least one hour of a daily walk and a secure indoor or outdoor place to run and find a sink for their energy. This mini dog loves running and playing so you need to get ready to meet their energetic demands before committing to adopt the adorable puppies.

The Mini Lab Poodle Mix are well-behaved dogs if you start to train them at an early age. Thanks to their smart and intelligent nature, the training sessions are usually smooth and they learn pup tricks quickly. However, their intrinsic stubborn nature can create an issue but not if you have a bag of treats in your hand. Still, you need to be careful about giving too many treats as it can risk their health.

Common Health Problems with Mini Labradoodle

The Labradoodle Miniature are among the healthy dog breeds so they are insusceptible to the common diseases that affect the dogs’ health. However, here are a few diseases that they can get either from their parents or from their poor lifestyle.

  • Obesity

Just like their parent Labrador, Mini Labradoodle can get obese if they are fed a high-fat diet or even fed more than their nutrient requirement. Stick to the recommended diet chart by your vet, take them for regular walks and engage them in physical exercises to manage their body weight and keep them in good health condition. 

  • Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a common issue with dogs in which the development of their hip joint is abnormal. It starts at a younger age in a puppy and can lead to severe mobility issues in the full-grown Mini Labradoodle. Keep an eye on the movement of your dog at a younger age and immediately consult a vet if there is any transition from normal mobility.

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy

This disease is an inherited one and can result in damaged eye cells leading to blindness. Before getting your Mini Labradoodle, make sure that the parents of the dog were free from this disease when bred. Moreover, if your dog is suffering from this health problem, avoid breeding them expecting healthy puppies.

  • Exercise-Induced Collapse

This issue is common with Mini Lab Poodle Mix as they drain themselves while engaging in heavy physical exercises that their body cannot handle. When your dog is running around, look for the signs of overexertion like shortness of breath, lack of muscle coordination, fatigue, or others as the situation can be life-threatening. Make sure that your dog is getting the proper breaks during the physical exercises. 

Health and care of Mini Labradoodle

Mini Labradoodle Lifespan

On average, their lifespan is around 14 years which means you have time over a decade to enjoy with your fur baby until the ageing health issues start and you lose your companion. However, the longevity of Mini Labradoodle is dependent on their health throughout their life which ultimately depends on their lifestyle.

The diet of the Miniature Labradoodle is a decisive factor for the quality of their life. An average dog requires around 1 to 2 cups of kibble to meet their nutrient demands and grow well. Moreover, regular exercises to maintain their body weight and regular veterinarian checkups are important to figure out and treat any health issue at the start.

Certain health problems in small labradoodles are inherited from their purebred parents. Hip dysplasia, diabetes, and obesity are common issues that must be looked at regularly. Consult the vet immediately whenever you feel any transition in their normal body functioning.   Proper care and health maintenance are the only ways to extend your lovely dog’s life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Do Mini Labradoodles Bark a Lot?

Ans: The Mini Labradoodles are moderate barkers and they occasionally bark while playing or seeing an unknown person at your home. Make sure that they are socialized at a younger age and trained to keep from aggressive barking to tackle this issue.

Q2. How Big Do They Grow?

Ans: Their size depends on the traits they have got from their parents. They can grow up to the height of 17 inches weighing around 50 pounds.

Q3. Can Mini Labradoodles be Left Alone at Home?

Ans: No. These dogs get frustrated when left alone for a long time. As they chew and destroy the furniture behind your back this frustration can lead to an acute depressive state. Their people-centric nature demands anyone around them all the time or they may end up hurting themselves.

Q4. Is Their Coat Low Maintenance?

Ans: The maintenance of their coat is dependent on their nature. Where the thick wool coat can be high-maintenance, the silk or fleece coats are usually pretty low-maintenance.

Q5. Do Mini Labradoodles Shed?

Ans: Their coat is not frequently shedding but they are not completely shedding-free.  Hence, they go well with people who are looking for hypoallergenic dogs that do not trigger their allergies and are a good companion.


The MiniLabradoodle dogs are small, intelligent, lovely, and adorable. They are a good choice for families who are looking for a family-friendly dog which gets along well with the children and other pets or those who are allergic to shedding coats and looking for a hypoallergenic dog. This breed goes exceptionally well as a guide dog or a companion for those who are undergoing therapies or in depression. As long as you can commit to spending quality time with your Mini Lab Poodle, you have got years of joyful company.