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White Ragdoll is a well-known family cat breed with their affectionate and relaxed nature and ability to socially interact with families having plenty of people and relatively respectful children. People get overawed by large-sized cats, but don’t let the size of a white ragdoll cat overwhelm you. If you are getting a ragdoll cat white kitten for your family for the first time, these softies with beautiful eyes and silky fur will make the best choice for a cuddling fur baby. Let’s dive into the details of this amazing, family-friendly cat breed. 

Breed Overview

All white ragdoll cats grow up to 3 feet in size and weigh around 20 pounds when fully grown. Their long-haired coat is white for around 2 months after their birth. However, after this time many ragdolls cat white fur starts to show variation in its color. The lifespan for this breed is around 17 years based on the condition that they remain healthy during their lifetime. Their obedient and family-friendly personality enables the white ragdoll cat to fit easily into a family.

Height9-11 Inches
Weight10-20 Pound
Lifespan15-20 Years
ColorsVaries widely
Suitable forAnyone who loves to have it
TemperamentGentle, affectionate, relaxed

History and Origin of Ragdoll Cat White Breed

The earliest ragdoll cat origin is in California, where a cat admirer named Ann Baker selectively bred a white cat she owned, named Josephine, with the other cats she found, intending to get a cat with captivating phenotypic characteristics and a docile and friendly personality. After several attempts, she succeeded in producing a ragdoll cat, white and fluffy kittens that grew up into large-sized and laid-back cats with a shiny, soft fur coat. However, in the ragdoll cat history, this breed began to catch the attention of cat enthusiasts after it was registered with the Cat Fanciers Association (CAF) in 1993.

white ragdoll cat Breed Overview

Ragdoll Cats Characteristics

White ragdolls are purely family-oriented cats expecting prolonged snuggles and cuddle times. They have that innate nature to live along a family craving for human attention, making a lovely companion for people from each age group. The pure white ragdoll cats do not grow into their full size until approximately 4 years of age as they are slow-growing cats. Whether you are adopting a kitten or getting a fully grown one, the ragdoll cat white breed will easily get along with your family and other pets you own. The credit goes to their amazing social temperament and playful nature. 

Appearance of White Ragdoll Cats

You may have seen the ragdoll cat white kittens whose fur began to get darker with the time. Well! The reason for them to be born solid white and change color once exposed to the atmosphere is unknown and lies in the genetics of white cats, ragdolls. This breed has a big pair of beautiful blue eyes, small and rounded ears, and thick and lengthy fur around their face that gives an appearance like a lion’s mane.

The white ragdoll cats are also known as pointed breeds because of their fur color, which is lighter than the color of points (tails, face, ears, and legs). After two months of their birth, you will begin to see the variations that pop up in their coat color (chocolate, seal, blue, red, lilac, and cream ragdolls) and pattern (van, mitted, bicolor, or color print)

Appearance of White Ragdoll Cats

Diet and Nutrition

Nutritional requirements are different for each cat based on their age, energy level, and nature as some cats are picky eaters too. However, a balanced diet is the key to getting the appropriate amount of nutrients into your cat’s bowl. Be mindful that their diet also contains the essential vitamins for a healthy ragdoll cat white fur. The appropriate intake of liquids, maybe in the form of canned or wet food or fresh water, is crucial to prevent urinary tract infections in ragdoll white cats.

Moreover, you can consult with your veterinarian to develop an appropriate diet plan for your growing white ragdoll kittens. The activity level for this breed is usually from low to medium rate, so never overfill their food bowl, as overeating can lead to obesity and, ultimately, other health-related problems.

Care and grooming

The owners adore Ragdoll cat white fur. However, it needs regular care and grooming sessions so they never end up tangled badly. We understand that their large size makes the grooming a bit of a daunting task. Try doing it in segments and engage your white ragdoll cat while grooming with some treats and belly rubs.

The best thing about grooming white ragdolls is they have a single layer of fur which is less prone to matting than the furs having an underlayer. Moreover, they are among the least shedding breeds. Generally, grooming sessions twice a week are enough to keep their coat unraveled.


Don’t expect your white ragdoll cat to play with the toys lying around on her own. Rather, you better step in and play with them. The reason is ragdolls are not very energetic so they are not expected to be doing the exercises by themselves often. However, ragdoll cats, white and social fur babies, enjoy the playtime they spend with their owners. 

All ragdoll white cats enjoy fetching games like dogs, so you may have seen them fetching a ball, gripped in their jaws, to you when you get home. It means they were craving your company, and you need to play with them. Such exercises keep them healthy and active by preventing weight gain.

white ragdoll cat Exercise

Common Health Problems

Like every living organism, the ragdoll cat white breed is also prone to some diseases that can be prevented by ensuring regular vet visits and giving them a balanced diet and exercise. Here are some diseases that commonly affect the ragdolls.

1. Obesity

Weight gain is mainly due to the issue that your cat has been overfeeding. Only give them a measured amount of food as recommended by the veterinarian and limit the treats. Regular exercises can help the ragdoll cats white breed to stay in shape.   

2. Bladder Stone 

This condition is extremely painful and causes urine blockage, so the cat suffers from dysuria. Ensure that your white ragdoll cat has enough water intake and moisture in the food to prevent it. 

3. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

HCM is a cardiac disease characterized by the thickening of the heart muscles. Once your veterinarian observes the initial symptoms, he/she can confirm it by echocardiogram. However, there is no cure for it once the disease has developed. So, breeders are recommended to run the genetic tests before breeding a ragdoll cat white breed.

If the ragdolls are prone to these diseases, it does not mean that you need to stop getting them. Pure white ragdolls are relatively less susceptible to these diseases as compared to the other breeds. However, appropriate care and vet visits are crucial to maintaining them.

Pros and cons of Getting Ragdoll White Cat

Fun Facts about White Ragdoll

  1. Their eye color is indicative if they are purebred are not. All white ragdolls have blue eyes if they are purebred. If you find any green or yellow shades in their eye color, these are not purebred. 
  2. All the varieties of Ragdoll cats have a solid white color in their fur, and they start changing the color two months post their birth.
  3. White ragdolls take at least 4 years to grow into a fully mature cat, while some of them take longer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Are Ragdoll cats good for beginners?

Ans: Ragdoll cats are extremely relaxed and adaptive to any environment. So, this is good for beginners.

Q2. Are Ragdoll cats hard to take care of?

Ans: Ragdolls easily get attached to their human buddy. So, you are expected to spend a lot more quality time with them. Otherwise, they are easier-going than many cat breeds.

Q3. How much does a ragdoll cat cost?

Ans: A pet white ragdoll can be bought for as low as 425$. However, if you want to get one of a breeder quality, it will cost around 2500 to 3000$.

Q4. Are ragdoll cats good with kids?

Ans: These cats are playful and social with humans regardless of age. So, yes! White ragdoll cats are good with kids.

Q5. Do ragdoll cats need to be brushed?

Ans: Even though white shorthair ragdoll cats do not seem to need regular brushing. However, brushing at least twice a week is crucial to keep their fur tangle-free.

Q6. Can Ragdoll kittens sleep alone?

Ans: Yes! They sleep alone until they get a cozy place to enjoy their naps.


In the final verdict, it would be worth saying the ragdoll white cat is the perfect pet option, even for beginners. Their docile, playful, and laid-back nature makes them a family-friendly cat. However, you need to be mindful of their dietary and exercise requirements and pay regular visits to the vet for regular check-ups and routine vaccinations so you can enjoy cuddles with a healthy fur baby.

Are you interested in more cat breeds? Explore our other articles to find intriguing information about the cat world.